徐飏 医学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,基础医学院病原生物学系。mail:xuyang@hust.edu.cn;通讯地址:武汉市航空路13号,430030。研究方向:肝炎病毒的感染与免疫。
1. 乙肝病毒e抗原参与促进th17细胞增多的机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,23万,2013-2015,主持。
2. 建立hbv-whv嵌合病毒感染的土拨鼠模型,武汉市科技攻关计划,10万,2011-2012,主持。
3. 基于多价疫苗的乙肝联合治疗策略研究,留学回国人员科研启动基金,3万,2009-2011,主持。
4. 乙肝病毒突变株的体内研究,湖北省自然科学基金,4万,2009-2010,主持。
5. 乙型病毒性肝炎病毒感染模型,国家科技重大专项课题,10万,2010-2012,参与。
6. 病毒激活因子(vaf)调控丙型肝炎病毒诱导的干扰素表达机制的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,33万,2011-2013,参与。
7. 内皮细胞特异性细胞连接分子ecsm2的细胞超微结构定位和对生长因子诱导性内皮细胞迁移影响机制的研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,22万,2012-2014,参与。
1. yang y, wang b, yang d, lu m, xu y. prokaryotic expression of woodchuck cytotoxic t lymphocyte antigen 4 (ctla-4) and preparation of polyclonal antibody to wctla-4. protein expr purif, 2012; 81:181-5.
2. jiang m, liu j, zhang e, meng z, wang b, roggendorf m, yang d, lu m, xu y. (2012) the characteristic of woodchuck interleukin-10 receptor and the enhancement of proliferation and degranulation of specific t-cells from chronically infected woodchuck by the antibody against interleukin-10 receptor. comp immunol microbiol infect dis, 2012;35(6):563-73.
3. yin y, wu c, song j, wang j, zhang e, liu h, yang d, chen x, lu m, xu y. dna immunization with fusion of ctla-4 to hepatitis b virus (hbv) core protein enhanced th2 type responses and cleared hbv with an accelerated kinetic. plos one, 2011; 6(7):e22524.
4. xu y, kock j, lu y, yang d, lu m, zhao x. suppression of hepatitis b virus replication in tupaia hepatocytes by tumor necrosis factor alpha of tupaia belangeri. comp immunol microbiol infect dis, 2011; 34(4):361-8.
5. qiu s, zhang j, tian y, yang y, huang h, yang d, lu m, xu y. reduced antigenicity of naturally occurring hepatitis b surface antigen variants with substitutions at the amino acid residue 126. intervirology, 2009; 51(6):400-6.
6. lu y, xu y, kemper t, yang d, roggendorf m, lu m. molecular characterization of woodchuck type i interferons and their expression by woodchuck peripheral blood lymphocytes. cytokine, 2008; 41(2):127-35.
7. tian y, xu y, zhang z, meng z, qin l, lu m, yang d. the amino acid residues at the positions 120-123 are crucial for the antigenicity of hepatitis b surface antigen. j clin microbiol, 2007; 45(9):2971-8.
8. xu y, shi c, zhang x, pei r, lu m. interference of hepatitis b virus with cellular signaling. virologica sinica, 2008; 23(2):100-6.
9. zhang e, zhang x, liu j, wang b, tian y, kosinska a, ma z, xu y, dittmer u, roggendorf m, yang d, lu m. the expression of pd-1 ligands and their involvement in regulation of t cell functions in acute and chronic woodchuck hepatitis virus infection. plos one, 2011; 6(10):e26196.
10. zhang x, meng z, qiu s, xu y, yang d, schlaak j, roggendorf m, lu m. lipopolysaccharide-induced innate immune responses in primary hepatocytes downregulates woodchuck hepatitis virus replication via interferon-independent pathways. cellular microbiol, 2009; 11(11):1624-37.
11. meng z, qiu s, zhang x, wu j, schreiter t, xu y, yang d, roggendorf m, schlaak j, lu m. inhibition of woodchuck hepatitis virus gene expression in primary hepatocytes by sirna enhances the cellular gene expression. virology, 2009; 384(1):88-96.
12. meng z, xu y, wu j, tian y, kemper t, bleekmann b, roggendorf m, yang d, lu m. inhibition of hepatitis b virus gene expression and replication by endoribonuclease-prepared sirna. j virol methods, 2008; 150(1-2):27-33.
13. lu m, he l, xu y, yao x, glebe d, gerlich w, dahmen u, xu, h, dirsch o, kemper t, wen y, roggendorf m. combination of an antiviral drug and immunomodulation against hepadnaviral infection in the woodchuck model. j virol, 2008; 82(5):2598-2603.
14. roggendorf m, schulte i, xu y, lu m. therapeutic vaccination in chronic hepatitis b: preclinical studies in the woodchuck model. j viral hepat, 2007; 14 suppl1:51-7.
15. lu m, menne s, yang d, xu y, roggendorf m. immunomodulation as an option for treatment of chronic hepatitis b virus infection: preclinical studies in the woodchuck model. expert opin investig drugs, 2007; 16(6):787-809.
16. zhang j, xu y, wang x, yin y, wu x, weng x, lu m. coexistence of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) and heterologous subtype-specific antibodies to hbsag among patients with chronic hepatitis b virus infection. clin infect dis, 2007; 44(9):1161-9.