吴雄文 教授(三级),博士生导师,基础医学院副院长。1984年毕业于武汉医学院医疗系,获医学学士学位;1987年获医学硕士学位(病理生理学,同济医科大学);1989至1991年在澳大利亚西澳大学病理系攻读博士学位(联合培养);1991年获得医学博士学位(病理生理学,同济医科大学);1999年至2000年作为访问学者在澳大利亚西澳大学免疫学中心和edith cowan大学人类遗传学中心进修。从事mhc结构与功能、t细胞识别的研究,目前承担科技部“863”计划和国家自然科学基金资助的项目,迄今已发表论文60余篇,主编专著1册,参编专著4册.
1.huang yf, wang w, han jy, wu xw, zhang st, liu cj, hu qg, xiong p, hamvas rmj, wood n, gong fl, bittles ah. increased frequency of the mannose-binding lectin lx haplotype in chinese systemic lupus erythematosus patients. eur j immunogenet. 2003, 30:121
2.wang ss, han jy, wu xw, cao rh, qi hg, xia zx, chen d, gong fl, chen s. a study of hla-g1 protection of porcine endothelial cells against human nk cell cytotoxicity. transplant proc. 2004 oct; 36(8):2473-4.
3.xiaoling lu, xiongwen wu, zhihui liang, et al. construction and functional test of hla-a*2402-peptide .tetramer. cellular & molecular immunology, 2005,2 (2): 145-149.
4.caie zhang, yunhua deng, xingping chen, xiongwen wu, wenhua jin, hao li, chunying yu, ying xiong, liyi zhou, yingling chen: linkage of a locus determining familial progressive hyperpigmentation (fph) to chromosome 19p13.1-pter in a chinese family. the european journal of dermatology, 2006. 16(3):246-250.
5.xiao-ling lu, zhi-hui liang, cai-e zhang, sheng-jun lu, xiu-fang weng, and xiong-wen wu: induction of the epstein–barr virus latent membrane protein 2 antigen-specific cytotoxic t lymphocytes using hla-a2 tetramer-based artificial antigen-presenting cells. acta biochim biophys sin, 2006. 38(3) 157-163.
6.xiufang weng, zhihui liang, xiaoling lu, maohua zhong, shengjun lu, caie zhang, jing deng, xiongwen wu*, feili gong. peptide-specific, allogeneic t cell response in vitro induced by a self-peptide binding to hla-a2. sci china ser c-life sci. 2007, 50:203-211
7.xiufang weng, maohua zhong, zhihui liang, shengjun lu, xueling chen, janan li, juan hao, feili gong, xiongwen wu*. peptide-dependent inhibition of alloreactive t-cell response by soluble divalent hla-a2/igg molecule in vitro. transplantation. 2007, 84(10):1298-306.
8.maohua zhong, xiufang weng, zhihui liang, shengjun lu, jianan li, xueling chen, qing li, wei sun, yinhong song, guanxin shen, xiongwen wu*, dimerization of soluble hla-g by igg-fc fragment augments ilt2-mediated inhibition of t cell alloresponse. transplantation. 2009 jan 15;87(1):8-15.
9.xiufang weng, shengjun lu, maohua zhong, zhihui liang, guanxin shen, jianguo chen, xiongwen wu*, allo-restricted ctls generated by co-culture of pbls and autologous monocytes loaded with allogeneic peptide/hla/igg1-fc fusion protein. j leukoc biol. 2009 mar;85(3):574-81.
10.xueling chen, yongxiang yan, shengjun lu, xiufang weng, zhihui liang, jianan li, maohua zhong, jie tang, wei xiao, wei sun, guanxin shen, xiongwen wu*, raising allo-restricted ctls by co-culture of murine splenocytes with autologous macrophage bearing the peptide/allo-mhc complex. human immunology, hum immunol. 2009 feb;70(2):79-84.